Tuesday 28 May 2013

Potola gota bhaja(stuffed parwal/parval/pointed gourd)...

Parwal is a vegetable cultivated in northern and eastern parts of India. In southern states it is rarely available.so when i m staying in chennai...i rarely got pointed gourd in market,also in high price..when i got this,i usually make different different verities of this...


  • Parwal/parval/pointed gourd-6-7.
  • Mixed paste(1-onion,8-garlic cloves,1 piece of ginger,some cumin seeds,3-red chili)-5-6 tsp.
  • Turmeric powder-1/4 tsp.
  • Mustard oil-4-5 tsp.
  • Salt to taste.
For the seasoning:
  • Phutana(cumin seed+mustard seed+fenugreek seed+aniseed)-1/2 tsp.


  • Add 2 tsp mustard oil in a pan,add phutana. When it start splutteringWelcome to www.FreeSmileys.org ,add mixed paste,turmeric powder,salt stir till raw smell goes.Let it cool down.
Stuffing the parwal:
  • Wash & peel the skin of parwal,Cut one-side lengthwise(don't cut into two pieces),now gently stuff the parwal without breaking.
  • Heat rest of oil in a pan,add stuffed parwal one by one carefully in pan,sprinkle some salt over it to taste.Cook till golden brown color in all side.
  • "Potol gota bhaja" is ready to serve.Serve it with steamed rice/Pakhala.

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