Thursday 21 March 2013

Chilled Watermelon Yogurt/curd...

Hello friends!! It's Summer! There's sunny warmth all around...When it is hot outside, you need something that makes you cool from inside..Drinking cold water makes you cool instantly, But you need something extra..which really gives u a comfort from scorching sun....
when my husband comes from office these day,i usually gives him different different verities of watermelon drink..he really like i have a wonderful  Innovative yogurt recipe with flavor of watermelon..& i m sure that everybody should liked it...


  • Watermelon chunks(seedless)-2 cup.

  • Ice cubes-5-6.
  • Fresh mint leaves-5-6 leaf.
  • Yogurt/curd-1 cup.
  • Sugar-1+1/2 tsp.


  • Freeze the watermelon chunks in the freezer for 3 - 4 hrs.Blend the watermelon,ice cubes,curd,mint leaves & sugar in a blender.
  • Serve chilled watermelon yogurt Smiley in individual glasses..

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